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coworking cultural space jumpHUB for and with the collective JUMP

::: document jumphub presentation for the mobilisation of actors and partners
::: book of jumphub realisation from the construction site (2019_09)
::: concept tournettes in English (2020_04)

cultural centre for and with Bolo ´Arts

::: feasability and need study  in French (2014_10)
::: bolocentre_design in French (2015_01)
::: design of “CementCMU Collection pour BOLO´CENTRE” for the crowd-fundraising (2015_04) in Czech and in French
::: website of the association and graphic materials for cultural activities 
::: design of “cementJCA pour bolo´centre” for crowd-fundraising in French and in Czech (2016_04) and in English (2016_10)
::: completion of bolocentre design for the site 869 in French (2017_06)

dance centre for EDIT

::: EDIT design concept for the partners and authorities mobilisation in French (2017_04)

performing arts laboratory for Ankata

:::  p09 concept in French (2020_07)
:::  p09-concept for partners mobilisation in French (2019_09)

collaboration with CDC La Termitiere

::: concept of the Studio in French (2020_01)
::: competition brief for Inspirelli Theatre Populaire Idea(l) in Czech, in French and in English (2019_10)
::: concept of the Market for Choreographic Arts in French (2018_01)

centre for storytellers “la Forge” with bioarchi

::: document espace Forge for the partners mobilisation in French (2017_02)

scenic installation Réseautage with Atelier Andaere

::: portfolios reseautage_dao-solnicka 2016 in English and reseautage_dao-solnicka_2017 in French (2016, 2017)

school innovations for People in Need 

::: research study “PIN_difference“ (2013_04)
::: feasibility survey  “SCHOOLdesignINNOVATIONS” (2014_02)
::: school design for rural environment PINnovations_compilation (2014_08)

organisation of student workshops at EIT-M 

::: chapter Fresh Ideas in the booklet “SCHOOLdesignINNOVATIONS”  (2014_02)
::: workshop “Find It and Use It” about public space in condominiums (2014_05)
::: workshop “Condominium Street Fu(rni)ture” about product design (2014_11)
::: workshop proposal “build the condo fu(rni)ture_slim version” about product design (2015_04)
::: workshop proposal “conservation, creativity and communication” (2015_11)
::: workshop presentation unlimitedJCA_workshops_intro (2016_04)
::: workshop LowCost Strategies in Design and Communication (2016_04)
::: workshop Hands on Lowcost_Design (2018_04)
::: workshop Hands_on_Bambootecture (2019_03)

art shelter for kafuli

::: first design of the art shelter (2014_01)
::: photo report of the construction of the art shelter (2014_03-07)
::: design of CementCMU collection for fundraising in English and in Czech (2014_06)
::: completion photo report_en of art shelter (2014_08)
::: completion final report_bilan_en (2014_09)

preservation survey in Bani

::: websiteFB funpage and presentation of Bani site (2013_04)
::: preservation study bani_mosquees_book (2013_12)

international workshop Les Ateliers in Nouakchott

::: final resumé in French (2014_05)
::: presentation poster in French (2014_05)
::: design of “quartier pilote” in French (2014_05)

international workshop Les Ateliers in Ouagadougou

::: final resumé in French (2019_03)
::: presentation poster in French (2019_03)
::: concept of “Ouagalliance” in French (2019_03)
produced together with Dina Braendstup, Nicolaas Kramer, David Zouré, Thierry Compaoré and Benewende Jean Didier Yameogo

unlimitedJCA at home

::: brief report 2013 (in English) (2013_07)
::: public presentation of unlimitedJCA activities for Czech Green Building Council (in Czech) (2014_03)
::: intern annual presentation unlmitedJCA promitani (in Czech) (2016_07)
::: public presentation of activities at Prague Design Week with the focus on cementJCA (in Czech) (2017_04)
::: intern annual presentation unlimitedJCA_promítání (in Czech) (2017_07)

(c) 2017